How To Be A Tour Guide

Tired of a grey, square cubicle and unending drudgery? Now close your eyes. Imagine a Hollywood novie set, beautiful historic districts, or foriegn and exotic locales teaming with vibrant and interesting people who hang on your every word. Picture this setting as your new "office". That's what it's like to be a tour guide.

If you love wine, you can host a wine tasting tour. Live near a big city? Give a walking tour of the cities museums, or architect, or urban graffiti. Live near nature? Give a hiking tour to a waterfall or private beach. Love photography? Take people on a photographic safari.

Your Duties

Once a client books your tour, all you need do is be there as promised and give them a great tour. I recommend you practice your tour on a friend before you actually do it live.

You will need excellent communication skills. You will also need to have a good memory for facts, figures and events. If you're good at public speaking, this could be the ideal business for you.

How Much Can You Make?

That all depends on how much you charge. Tours can range from $25 to $60 a person or more. Let's say you charge $25 a person. You will either have a group of two, or a group of 4 to 5 people book you. In this situation, Vayable collects $50 for 2, $100 for four people, or $125 for 5 people. Vayable keeps 25%. At $25 a person, you keep $18.75 per person.

If only two people show up for your 1 hour tour, that's $37.50 for the hour. Five people in the group nets $93.75 for the one hour tour. Do 2-3 tours a day and you could create decent income.

How To Get Started

Put together a 45 minute to 1 hour tour on any subject that interests you. Set up an account at a website like that allows you to post your tour with pictures and story. People interested in your tour can signup and pay through Vayable. Vayable will do a small check to make sure you are who you say you are.

Once your account is set up and your tour is accepted and goes live, just sit back and wait for the bookings to come in.

What You Need
To Get Started
  • Access to the internet.
  • Free account at
  • A computer, tablet, or smartphone
  • Friendly and charming personality
  • Passion to share stories with others

What I Love About This
"I get to meet interesting people from all over the world. I get paid for sharing knowledge in a fun atmosphere."

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